Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hi My name is Annie...after I married & move to Penang....Well, Penang have a lot delicious food such like "char koay teow", Nasi Kandar, Roti Canai, Curry noodles, Nasi Lemak.....So, i eat a lot( really a lot: 2 plate cahr key teow" + 1 curry + 2 chai koay....and with less weight had increased 60% up and i can't wear most of my cloths.

I start to look for solution....all kind of loose weight method i had try...such like
1) Apple meal - it's work only short term..and the sign effect is u will only burn ur muscle & not your body
2) Exercise- Yoga, Aerobic, tone up and loose 0.5kg - 1 kg within 3 months...need a lot patient.....
2) Slimming Center - eeehhh..i spend around RM4xxx for 10 section...well,it's really loose around 2-3 kg.. everytime for treatment..the sales girl will ask u to buy their product like slimming cream..replacement meal...and, i feel stress when i go for treatment. After finish the course..if you would like to maintain the result..need to sign up another course.......
3) Skip meal - don't use this method!!! this is the worst...

Until i meet Herbalife, I just simply change my 2 meal to shake and with 1 normal meal...after 3 month i lost total 8 kg!!!! it's more constipation, period pain problem....and before that i drink coffee everyday...and now i no need to depend on coffee to boost up my energy....

You want to know more?? Ask Me How??
Annie Lo (016-3115661 )
Personal Wellness Coach

Friday, April 10, 2009

6 months in penang

Stay in penang - 6 months....start to use to penang life.....:p traffic jam...can wake up on 7.30am on 8.30am.....
Great local foods like prawn noodle, char kuey teow, laksa, curry me...etc
nice people...
nice view~ everyday can pass by sea side......(yalah...island mah hahah)
But, I miss KL's food also.......bah kut teh, yong tou fu, KL type "chu cheong fan", beef noodles, chilis pan mee...HokKien noodle....."Hakkah Lui cha"
I miss my family and friends
I miss my pet...donnie & Lucky....two cute...& nautghy dog...

hhhahahah..........Normal lah...because of you are hard to hae will start to miss ........
So...this make me apprieciate the time when i back to KL......
Apprieciate the time with my family & pets
Enjoy my favourite food...yummy! :d

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rahsia Restaurant, 23th Aug

Me & Shannon like sister
Michelle & Esvie
LeapFrog 4 Generation: Chloe, Michelle, Annie & Esvie
Esvie, Annie, Daniel & Chase

Charlie Angels~!

All my Colleagues and ex-colleagues...1st Row from the left Choe, Annie, Esvie, Shannon. 2nd Row from the left: Syidah, Azian, Azimah
Esvie & Shannon